Ćđsti Drúidi heimsins kemur í heimsókn og flytur erindi um sín frćđi


Ţann 1. september kl. 20 verđur einstakur fyrirlestur í húsi Lífspekifélagsins.

Ćđsti Drúidi heimsins kemur í heimsókn og flytur erindi um sín frćđi. Hann heitir Philip Carr-Gomm.

Erindiđ er flutt á ensku og nefnist:

'Singer, Shaman, Sage: The Magic & Mystery Of Druidry'.

The ways of the Druids are seeing an unprecedented revival around the world. Why is this? The image of an ancient Druid suggests the archetypal wise person – a forest sage steeped in knowledge of the Old Ways. Even the etymology of the word Druid points to wisdom – with the first syllable – Dru – coming from the Proto-Indo-European root meaning tree, especially the oak, and the Id syllable coming from the term ‘wid’, meaning to know or to see, from which we derive the word wisdom. So the idea of wisdom is embedded in the very word and in the image we hold of the druid. Druidry is a spiritual way and practice that speaks to three of our greatest yearnings: to be fully creative in our lives, to commune deeply with the world of Nature, and to gain access to a source of profound wisdom.

Each of these yearnings comes from a different aspect of the Soul, and we can personify these as the Singer, the Shaman and the Sage - three streams that flow into one pool. In Druidry, Bardic teachings help to nurture the singer, the artist or storyteller within us – the creative self. Within the Bardic stream, wisdom is cultivated through poetry and story. And contemporary Druids, drawing on the insights of Psychology, add to their appreciation of story in general, and the old myths in particular, an understanding of the value of coming to know the story of their own lives and of those around them.

Ovate teachings help to foster the shaman, the lover of Nature, the healer within us. Within the Ovate stream – where Divination and healing is studied, wisdom is found within Nature Herself, and through bodies of lore, folklore, that have been passed down to us today: stone-lore, star-, animal-, bird-, plant-, tree-, herb-, weather-, seasonal-lore.

Within the Druid stream, wisdom is found in the study of the Ethics & Philosophy of Druidry, and in its application in Rites of Passage, Ritual and Initiation.The Druid teachings help to develop our inner wisdom – the sage who dwells within each of us.

Druid ideas and practices can be of real value to someone living in the modern world. Druidry is is an approach that is designed to help us feel grounded and rooted in our depths. It is light on dogma and philosophy and heavy on soil, rain, fire and wind; Druidry seeks not to command or dominate the elements, but to venerate and learn from these forces which we have threatened so severely.

The revival of interest in Druidry points to the growing awareness of the necessity to combine our spirituality with a reverence and care for the earth. It is undeniable that there is a renaissance of interest in these natural religions throughout the world. This imbalance has resulted in a disturbed relationship to the planet herself, and the renaissance can be seen as the manifestation of human and divine concern that this relationship be made harmonious for the health and well-being of the earth and all life upon it. Rather than seeing the revival of interest in earth religions as regressive – harking back to primitive times – the upsurge of interest demonstrates quite the opposite trend – one of progression, in which we meet the old wisdom at a new turn of the spiral, and see that we need its sense of the sacredness of all life if we are to survive as a species and planet.

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