The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion


The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend personal God and avoid dogma and theology. Covering both the natural and the spiritual, it should be based on a religious sense arising from the experience of all things natural and spiritual as a meaningful unity. Buddhism answers this description. If there is any religion that could cope with modern scientific needs it would be Buddhism. 

Albert Einstein


A letter from Albert Einstein to his daughter: about The Universal Force which is LOVE


In the late 1980s, Lieserl, the daughter of the famous genius, donated 1,400 letters, written by Einstein, to the Hebrew University, with orders not to publish their contents until two decades after his death. This is one of them, for Lieserl Einstein. 


…”When I proposed the theory of relativity, very few understood me, and what I will reveal now to transmit to mankind will also collide with the misunderstanding and prejudice in the world.
I ask you to guard the letters as long as necessary, years, decades, until society is advanced enough to accept what I will explain below.
There is an extremely powerful force that, so far, science has not found a formal explanation to. It is a force that includes and governs all others, and is even behind any phenomenon operating in the universe and has not yet been identified by us.

This universal force is LOVE.
When scientists looked for a unified theory of the universe they forgot the most powerful unseen force.

Love is Light, that enlightens those who give and receive it.
Love is gravity, because it makes some people feel attracted to others.

Love is power, because it multiplies the best we have, and allows humanity not to be extinguished in their blind selfishness. Love unfolds and reveals.

For love we live and die.
Love is God and God is Love.

This force explains everything and gives meaning to life. This is the variable that we have ignored for too long, maybe because we are afraid of love because it is the only energy in the universe that man has not learned to drive at will.

To give visibility to love, I made a simple substitution in my most famous equation.

If instead of E = mc2, we accept that the energy to heal the world can be obtained through love multiplied by the speed of light squared, we arrive at the conclusion that love is the most powerful force there is, because it has no limits.
After the failure of humanity in the use and control of the other forces of the universe that have turned against us, it is urgent that we nourish ourselves with another kind of energy…

If we want our species to survive, if we are to find meaning in life, if we want to save the world and every sentient being that inhabits it, love is the one and only answer.
Perhaps we are not yet ready to make a bomb of love, a device powerful enough to entirely destroy the hate, selfishness and greed that devastate the planet.

However, each individual carries within them a small but powerful generator of love whose energy is waiting to be released.
When we learn to give and receive this universal energy, dear Lieserl, we will have affirmed that love conquers all, is able to transcend everything and anything, because love is the quintessence of life.

I deeply regret not having been able to express what is in my heart, which has quietly beaten for you all my life. Maybe it’s too late to apologize, but as time is relative, I need to tell you that I love you and thanks to you I have reached the ultimate answer! “.


Your father Albert Einstein


Lífspekifélagið um helgina - Rupert Spira og sjálfsþekking

23. feb. föstudagur kl 20.00

Árni Heiðar Karlsson mun kynna Rupert Spira:
Hugleiðingar um tæra vitund á grundvelli advaita vedanta.


24. feb. laugardagur kl. 15.00

Anna S Bjarnadóttir verður með hugleiðingu 
og spjallar síðan eftir kaffið
um sjálfsþekkingu.

All Beings are in the Process of Becoming Buddhas

All beings are intrinsically Buddha," as Hakuin said, means that all sentient beings are endowed with the wisdom and virtuous power of the Buddha and are, without exception, gradually advancing along the path of liberation. It is inevitable that all human beings will perfectly realize their essential nature.
Each of us, as perfect and infinite existence, is of necessity on the path to buddhahood, even when in the phenomenal world. This is what we call "the process of becoming a buddha."

To sum up this process: (1) We are intrinsically endowed with buddha nature, and although (2) we cling to the illusion of a self, (3) life continues. Also, (4) cause and effect are inevitable, (5) myriad buddhas actually exist, and (6) sentient beings mutually interact with them. It is also a real fact that (7) self and other are not two. Since all of these conditions are already perfectly met, (8) it is only a matter of time before we will, without fail, break through the deluded dream of self, awaken to our intrinsic buddha nature, and achieve wisdom of supreme enlightenment.

When one believes and understands these, one correctly believes and understands Buddhism. If we condense these further, they all boil down to the eighth tenet, that all sentient beings attain the Way of the Buddha. This is true faith in Mahayana Buddhism.

The Brahmajala Sutra says:

O all you people, believe unmistakably in your hearts that you are accomplished buddhas. "I am already an accomplished buddha." If you believe always in this way, then you are already endowed with the precepts.

Dogen Zenji says:

Buddhas and ancestors were once like we are; we shall come to be buddhas and ancestors.

Since the buddhas are people who have already accomplished the Buddha Way, they are "accomplished buddhas." And since we are already on the way to achieving the Buddha Way, we are known as "future accomplished buddhas."

The buddhas and ancestors were originally ordinary people like us, and at some point we too will definitely become buddhas and Zen ancestors. Developing faith in this is known as "developing true faith" and is called the "stage of true determination and not retreating."

To believe and practice in this way is the Zen of the Buddha Way—it is Mahayana Zen. If a person truly believes in Mahayana Buddhism, then whether they are monk, nun, or layperson, the whole of his or her life will be directed toward the ultimate objective expressed in the final verse of the bodhisattva vow: "The Way of the Buddha is unsurpassed; I vow to attain it."

At mealtime we recite the verse: "... we accept this food to achieve the Way of the Buddha," and which contains the lines,

"The first taste is to cut off all evil;

the second taste is to practice all good;

the third taste is to save all beings;

may they all attain the Way of the Buddha."

If we were to sum up the aim of Buddhism in a single phrase, it would be this: may all beings attain the Way of the Buddha. The eight great tenets are a step-by-step exposition of the contents of the Buddha Way. The Great Way, whereby we achieve the ultimate and most fundamental goal of humanity, is the Zen that has been correctly transmitted from the buddhas and Zen ancestors.

When I say that the aim of Buddhism comes down to "become Buddha," what do these words mean? The sutras tell us, "All things return to one" and "The three worlds are products of the mind alone." So we could say that "become Buddha" has its origin in oneness, or the mind alone. But what does oneness or mind alone return to? Any speculation here is futile. Recall Case 45 of the Blue Cliff Record:

A monk asked Joshu, "All things return to one. Where does the one return to?"

Joshu replied, "When I was in Seishu I had a robe; it weighed seven pounds."

Here I must shut my mouth.


Koun Yamada (1907-1989)



Lífspekifélagið um helgina - Björn Bjarna fyrrum ráðherra verður með æfingar og fræðslu um Qi Gong og Ragnar Önundarson ræðir um nöfnin í Eglu


16. feb. föstudagur kl. 20.00



Ragnar Önundarson heldur erindi: Nöfnin í Eglu vísa til sálfræði.


17. feb. laugardagur kl. 15.00

Björn Bjarnason, fyrrv. ráðherra verður með æfingar og 
fræðslu í Qi Gong.


Lífspekifélagið um helgina - Fróðleiksmolar í andlegri viðleitni og spjall um möguleika framtíðarinnar


9. febrúar klukkan 20:00

Halldór Haraldsson heldur erindi: Fróðleiksmolar í andlegri viðleitni.

Fróðleiksmolar allt frá upphafi andlegrar leitar til dagsins í dag. Ýmislegt skoðað sem orðið hefur á veginum, svo sem óþekktari hliðar á Swami Vivekananda, búddisma, Zen, Krishnamurti og einhyggju nýrra Advaita Vedanta-spekinga.

10. febrúar klukkan 15:00

Birgir Bjarnason: Leiðbeining í hugleiðingu 
og spjall um möguleika framtíðarinnar 
eftir kaffið

Mundilfari - Nýtt fréttablað Lífspekifélagsins

Hér sjáið þið nýtt fréttablað Lífspekifélagsins:





Markmið andlegrar viðleitni er að finna og sættast við sjálfan sig og aðstæður sínar, eignast frelsi, frið og jafnvægi, finna lífi sínu merkingu og losna úr fjötrum. Leiðakerfi andlegrar viðleitni er margbrotið, sumar leiðir enda í öngstrætum og veita ekki sanna lausn, reynast mýarljós, aðrar veita fúslega það sem að er stefnt, eru með einhverjum hætti í bandalagi við sannleikann, sem þó er oft svo erfitt að útskýra. Kærleikur, auðmýkt og miskunnsemi eru alltaf með í för á leiðum sannrar andlegrar iðkunnar.



Frá hverju viljum við losna? Við viljum losna frá lélegu sjálfsmati, sem við höfum bætt upp með dómhörku gagnvart öðrum, stjórnsemi, fullkomnunaráráttu, viðurkenningarþörf, þörf fyrir að öllum líki vel við mann, ofurmáta ábyrgð á öðrum eða ábyrgðarleysi. Við viljum losna undan einangrun en um leið hræðslu við annað fólk og ofurviðkvæmni. Við viljum hætta að laðast að fólki með ávanahegðun, hætta að vera fórnarlömb sem laðast að öðrum fórnarlömbum, hætta að rugla saman ást og vorkunnsemi, hætta að vera stöðugt í björgunaraðgerðum gagnvart öðru fólki til að þurfa ekki að takast á við okkur sjálf, hætta að hafa sektarkennd af samstöðu með sjálfum okkur, hætta að bæla tilfinningar, hætta að koma inn samviskubiti hjá öðrum, hætta að vera á bólakafi í vandamálum annarra og gera ekkert í eigin vanda.



Getum við losnað? Lítum á nokkur kennileyti heilbrigðrar lausnar. Sönn andleg viðleitni breytir ótta í trú og traust, hatri í kærleika, hroka í auð- mýkt, áhyggjum og kvíða í æðruleysi, afneitun í viðurkenningu, afbrýðisemi í traust, ímyndun í raunveruleika, eigingirni í þjónustu, gremju í fyrirgefningu, fordæmingu í umburðarlyndi, örvæntingu í von, sjálfshatri í sjálfsvirðingu og einmannaleika í samfélag. Öll sönn andleg við- leitni þarfnast viðhalds, viðvarandi iðkunnar og helgunar. Ávextir hennar eru auðmýkt og miskunnsemi gagnvart öðru fólki.



Þeir sem ganga í gegnum þetta breytingaferli eiga í meginatriðum sameiginlegt að líða að jafnaði vel innan um annað fólk og búa yfir sterkri sjálfsmynd og heilbrigðu sjálfsáliti, ásamt umhyggju, samstöðu og kærleika gagnvart sjálfum sér og öðrum, taka ábyrgð á sjálfum sér og eru við- staddir eigið líf. Þess vegna veitist þeim létt að taka á móti og nýta heiðarlega gagnrýni og tjá tilfinningar, sársauka og gleði. Þeir mæta styrkleika og sjálfsvirðingu annarra í friðsælum og háttvísum mætti og hafa innri orku og frumkvæði til að skapa og þróa góðar hugmyndir. Þeir lifa andlegu lífi í friði og sátt við sjálfa sig, aðra og mátt sem þeim er æðri og eru ekki í vegi fyrir sjálfum sér. Þeir eru ekki með sjálfa sig á heilanum. Það er hægt að losna úr viðjum þjáningarinnar og eignast sanna hamingju, frið, sátt, frelsi og mikla gleði, t.d. með því að lesa og vinna í bókinni Tólf sporin — Andlegt ferðalag.


Kristinn Ágúst Friðfinnsson, forseti Lífspekifélagsins

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Þessi síða er helguð andlegum málefnum


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Bhagavad-Gita IV, 11




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